Thursday, September 24, 2015

Five Little Things

As always, my friend Linley over at Life as a Noel, had the great idea of sharing five little things that she is currently loving. With her post as inspiration, I decided to share five little things that I am pretty in love with right now!

1. Isla's schoolwork. I love going to her school on Tuesdays & Thursdays to find all of her "work" from the previous day in her cubby. Let's not get me started on how much I love the fact that she has a "cubby" ;) I  swoon over all the little things she makes & want to keep it all forever & ever-- although I know that is not realistic. Some things are easier to throw away though, such as the ocean sensory bag she made that was leaking goo all over the house ;)

2. Quality time with Weston or as he is more frequently referred to, "Westie J". His middle name is Mark after my Dad, so the "J" really has no relevance other than the fact that it just came out one day when talking to him & kind of stuck. When Isla is at school making all of her adorable projects, I am loving the one on one time with him & seeing his personality grow & become cuter by the day. I didn't think that was even possible--but he's defying the odds ;) Also, on the off chance he naps during preschool time, I appreciate the extra time to get stuff done around the house. I am continually amazed at what I can accomplish with just one kiddo vs. two!

3. Return to football season. I know I mention it a lot, but I love football season. Even more than the season itself, I love that it means we spend Sunday's at my parents together with the family. I am big on traditions, & love the fact that the kiddos will have the memories of football Sundays spent at Memere's & Pepere's house, regardless of whether or not they get into football when they are older--which they had better!! Ok, I'm kidding (for the most part anyway) ;)

4. Fall decor. I am pretty obsessed with seasonal decorating, so I was excited to pull out some of my fall themed decor from the boxes in the garage. I try not to go too crazy, but I have my eye on one pretty cute scarecrow that I just might have to have! ;)

5. Fall scents. I have a bit of a candle obsession and this Farmer's Market scent from Yankee Candle is easily my favorite scent for Fall. I am hesitant to even light it, because I don't want it to run out! I mean, there is no feasible way to get another one if I use it too quickly ;) Okay, so it is making my house smell yummy right this moment, so a second one will definitely be required before the end of Fall! Check out the candle topper. The obsession is real

Thanks for the inspiration, Linley!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Walker Weekend Recap

This past weekend was the first weekend ever it has been just the littles & myself, as their Daddy headed out to Utah for a friends wedding. It's such a long drive and since it was a very short trip, it didn't make sense for all of us to go, so I enjoyed some extra quality time with these cuties. 

We didn't do too much of anything. We had a pajama, popcorn, & movie party one evening, played with some pumpkin & witch glow masks, & of course spent Sunday at my parents watching football, enjoying another Patriots win (yay!). We had fun but are glad to have Daddy back home now! As uneventful as the weekend may have been, check out a small sample of the far too many pictures I took of my favorite kiddos. 

This babe has been all about dressing herself lately & my little girly girl picks out a dress every single time & I love it ;)

This guy has been enjoying eating "real food" more & more lately. Prunes & sweet potatoes are some of his favorites ;)

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Isla says: Volume Two

As per usual, this little girl continues to crack me up with her shenanigans, like when I found her in the baby bath ring in the tub the other day. She was smiling here because she thinks shes so funny (ok, she is!) but she wasn't laughing when we had to yank her out! Here's some of the recent amusing conversations we have had.

Weston was particularly cranky in the car after picking her up from preschool and wouldn't stop crying
Isla: I don't wanna hear it Wes! Take a deep breath, that will help you!
Weston continues crying..
Isla: I'm done talking to you. Just cry it out!! 
She's so loving ;)

Isla has a thing with saying long beards are scary..and then saying they're not scary. My cousin went to give her a hug (he has a beard) and she borderline freaked out. He put her down...

Isla: *insert a HUGE sigh of relief* Ah. That wasn't toooooo bad!

Isla watching tv
Me: Do you want to watch something other than Handy Manny? (one of my least favorites)
Isla: No, I like Handy Manny. I like his shoes.

Isla had a little canker sore and was very upset about it all day. I told her we were going to Memere's house..
Isla: Can I bring my canker with me?
--yeah kiddo, you sort of have to!!

Random thought out of nowhere..
Isla: Maybe I'll get a goat this week.
--I wouldn't hold my breath missy!

Side note: We are lovin her new "All dolled up" tee from Trendy Treehouse. Her & I both have a few tees from them that're pretty cute! You can order here.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

Since its almost the weekend again (yay!) & I am just getting around to posting this, I guess we have been busy-- although I can't really pinpoint any reason as to why?--Those two little kiddos are my favorite time consumers ;)

Labor day weekend was full of Friday night snuggles, toddler birthday parties, a BBQ & swimming (naturally), & fantasy football drafting. Here's a photographic recap!

This is Isla looking sad that summer is coming to an end. Ok, that's untrue. It wasn't over. It still isn't over (The Notebook, anyone?). It's supposed to be 108 degrees today--yikes.  In reality, this is her telling me "I don't want to swim!" & my replying with "Ok, so let's get you out then" & her following that up with "No I DO want to swim!" Repeat that conversation 3-5 times before she actually got in and that's what this moment really was. Oh toddlers, gotta love 'em

Side note on more current events: The NFL season kicked off last night with a Patriots victory and of course I was so excited. So glad it's that time of year again!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Weston Firsts

I had recently mentioned we were going to attempt the crib transition soon for Mr. Weston. We had tried one night a few weeks ago and that experience can only be described as a complete and utter disaster, but we optimistically attributed it to his little cold he had and put off trying it again until this week. The first night wasn't great, he woke up quite a few times, but we were persistent and really wanted to keep him in there despite the struggle, as opposed to putting him back into his Rock N Play that looks more crammed by the second with him in it! The second night, he got better & only woke up twice. Last night, he slept in his crib from 11-630! I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am totally hoping he keeps up the trend of getting better in his crib every night. I previously mentioned that Weston loved being swaddled and we had purchased a Zipadee-Zip for transitioning out of the swaddle and into the crib (more on that here). I know I mention it a lot but I cannot say enough good things about it! I definitely attribute a lot of the crib success to these transition blankets. We loved the first one so much we recently bought two more. One is definitely not enough when you have a drooly baby like mine--it is soaked frequently, so a backup zippy is imperative. He has slept so well in it & I would absolutely recommend the Zipadee-Zip to anyone struggling with swaddle transitioning. Bonus--look how cute he looks in it!

Another exciting feat in our little man's life came when we tried solid foods for the first time. He was horribly disgusted by rice cereal and gagged it out (exact same reaction his sister had!) but he liked it when we tried sweet potatoes (although I wouldn't say he was thrilled-- mostly a little confused by this new experience!) Our pediatrician suggests trying vegetables first. She believes they're less likely to eat the vegetables if they have the yummy fruits first. Not sure how true that is, but naturally we started with the sweetest vegetable available ;) We tried sweet potatoes first with Isla as well, and it worked out fine (although she never was a fan of the green veggies--she does like broccoli "trees" & green beans now though!), so we figured we would start with that for him as well. I am looking forward to this new and exciting time for our little guy, who is growing way too fast (and talking nonstop!)

Happy Wednesday, guys!