Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Weston Firsts

I had recently mentioned we were going to attempt the crib transition soon for Mr. Weston. We had tried one night a few weeks ago and that experience can only be described as a complete and utter disaster, but we optimistically attributed it to his little cold he had and put off trying it again until this week. The first night wasn't great, he woke up quite a few times, but we were persistent and really wanted to keep him in there despite the struggle, as opposed to putting him back into his Rock N Play that looks more crammed by the second with him in it! The second night, he got better & only woke up twice. Last night, he slept in his crib from 11-630! I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am totally hoping he keeps up the trend of getting better in his crib every night. I previously mentioned that Weston loved being swaddled and we had purchased a Zipadee-Zip for transitioning out of the swaddle and into the crib (more on that here). I know I mention it a lot but I cannot say enough good things about it! I definitely attribute a lot of the crib success to these transition blankets. We loved the first one so much we recently bought two more. One is definitely not enough when you have a drooly baby like mine--it is soaked frequently, so a backup zippy is imperative. He has slept so well in it & I would absolutely recommend the Zipadee-Zip to anyone struggling with swaddle transitioning. Bonus--look how cute he looks in it!

Another exciting feat in our little man's life came when we tried solid foods for the first time. He was horribly disgusted by rice cereal and gagged it out (exact same reaction his sister had!) but he liked it when we tried sweet potatoes (although I wouldn't say he was thrilled-- mostly a little confused by this new experience!) Our pediatrician suggests trying vegetables first. She believes they're less likely to eat the vegetables if they have the yummy fruits first. Not sure how true that is, but naturally we started with the sweetest vegetable available ;) We tried sweet potatoes first with Isla as well, and it worked out fine (although she never was a fan of the green veggies--she does like broccoli "trees" & green beans now though!), so we figured we would start with that for him as well. I am looking forward to this new and exciting time for our little guy, who is growing way too fast (and talking nonstop!)

Happy Wednesday, guys!


  1. Hope he's still sleeping good in his crib! I'm a little jealous! Ellie's been rolling, thrashing around like a shark, and making all kinds of noises lately. Even when she's "sleeping" I am not haha

    1. So far so good! He's slept through the night in there both Wednesday and last night. He did wake up a little earlier than usual today..but so far I really can't complain! It's been surprisingly far easier than I expected. I know what you mean about crazy baby sleep habits! He moves around a lot and sometimes even does two or three little cries and I think he's awake and he's not haha. Not to mention Isla straight up SCREAMED the other night & she was sound asleep. Kids I tell ya!! Do you think Ellie will do good in her crib when you guys are ready to have her in there or no?
