Friday, August 7, 2015

Wreath Making

It's no secret that I love crafts. I like crafting lots of different things, unless it involves sewing, which is really not my cup of tea. I have sewn a few things that have turned out halfway decent, but I was cursing myself the entire time for starting said projects, but I am not one to start something and never finish it. 

We have these two sweet older neighbors that have been so thoughtful ever since we moved into the neighborhood, including bringing gifts for Weston & Isla when he was born (very cute). I had the urge to do something crafty to thank them, but with limited time to complete it (these two kiddos are pretty time consuming! -- I wouldn't have it any other way), I was thinking of what I could do over the course of a few days (ok, really the whole week) that would be fun & easy to do with lots of interruptions. 

I decided on making them each a wreath--simple, inexpensive, & fulfilled the crafting urge. Just grabbed a couple of grapevine wreaths, some flowers, and two wooden letters for their initials & had a little fun with it. I think they turned out fairly cute.

I dropped one off this evening (and she seemed to really like it!), hoping the other one likes hers as well!

Other than the week long wreath making, we had a pretty uneventful week. I would say the highlight would be Weston finally embracing tummy time. Until this week, he kind of just laid there like a dead fish and sucked on his hands (such a drooly face he is!), but this week he decided it was pretty cool, & he looked insanely cute doing it, if I do say so myself. 

His Zipadee-Zip we were waiting for (more on that here) was delivered today, so we will be trying it out tonight! Here's to hoping he sleeps just as well as he does when he is swaddled, fingers crossed! Happy weekend! 

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