Monday, August 31, 2015

Back to football

In our family, football is a huge deal (both real & fantasy). As a native New Englander, I am a diehard Patriots fan, so much so that this was my 18th birthday present from my parents.

We don't play ;)

Side note: Living in California, it provided from some welcomed distracting conversation with the anesthesiologist when getting an epidural! This bad boy even got me a phone call from the Ellen DeGeneres show in 2012. They had a "biggest fan" competition for Giants & Patriots fans, and they picked one person who was a fan of each team to go to the Super Bowl. Needless to say I did not win (which turned out to be ok, because neither did the Patriots--Yikes!), but the fact that they even called was pretty exciting to me!

On Sundays, we go to my parents house & gather around the TV for a day full of football & food. My youngest sister Macy is the exception, the only one not into football, which incidentally works out because she spends a lot of time entertaining Isla--sorry honey! Mommy is busy! --kidding! (mostly haha). There are certain things we HAVE to eat (some form of chicken), assigned seats where everyone is obligated to sit, and other things we aren't allowed to eat, wear, or do-- but we aren't superstitious or anything ;) As they say, it's only weird if it doesn't work.

While I am a huge Pats fan, my husband likes the Oakland Raiders. This is essentially my life.

I'd love to craft something with this expression on it for my house! Isla is a total goofball, and loves to play up our football disagreements. She will come up to me and say, "Mommy, RAAAAIIIDDDEEERRRSSS!" and then turn around to Devin and say, "Daddy, Go Patriots! THE GRONK!!" It's a never ending battle ;)

I previously mentioned that I had purchased this shirt for my sister and I, & was super excited when they arrived this week. 
It sums up our lives for the upcoming months. Hurry up September 10th! Onto my favorite time of the year. 

Happy football season! GO PATRIOTS!!

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