Thursday, August 27, 2015

Isla Says:Volume One

Kids say some funny things, and this feisty little babe comes up with some hilarious stuff! I could honestly write a book filled with all of her craziness, so I thought I would share some of the amusing conversations we have had lately for anyone needing a good laugh. (Or maybe only I find it funny, either way, we will find out!)

When playing Wii golf
Isla: "Ugh! That was my last chance and I just blew it!!"

Isla: "Don't worry Mom, if you need me I'll be on the dog bowl!" --turn around to see her sitting on the dogs dish.

When sitting down to eat dinner
Isla: "Soooooo. How was it?"
Me: "How was what?"
Isla: "Your day!"

When sitting on the couch, Isla playing with her Just Like Mommy Cosmetics
Isla: "Mommy. Your makeup doesn't look so good on you. It's kind of messed up. Lets use mine!"

Isla being particularly cranky after waking up from her nap
Me: "Isla, please don't whine."
Isla: "I'll go get my green blankey. Maybe that will help me not whine!"

Getting ready to leave for gymnastics class
Isla:"Daddy! Get your shirt on! I don't have time! Let's roll out!"

This little love keeps me entertained everyday, I am so looking forward to the new stuff she comes up with! Stay tuned for volume two ;)  Here's some goofy pics we snapped today before gymnastics!

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