Monday, August 17, 2015

Weston 4 Month Update

Stole this fun idea from my friend Linley, who has the cutest blog ever :)

Age: 4 Months
Height: 26 inches (82%)
Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz (52%)
Clothing size: We have officially outgrown all of the 3 month clothes & now exclusively wear 6 months.
Diaper size: 2
Eating: Always! This hungry boy eats about 6-7 ounces around every 4-ish hours.
Sleeping: Sleeping through the night nicely in his Zipadee-Zip-- no more swaddling here! He usually goes to bed around 10:30ish after his last bottle and wakes up around 630/7. We were going to start to attempt the crib transition over the weekend, but Weston currently has a little cold going on & is super boogery (yes, that's a technical term), so the incline of the Rock N Play is working in our favor right now. We are hoping to attempt that task once his cold is cleared up. I'll be honest, it's really hard to get motivated to make the switch when he is sleeping so well where he is right now. While he's great at night, he isn't much of a napper--just a few short cat naps throughout the day.
Favorite toys: Anything he can get his hands on! He loves to grab at everything and is suprisngly coordinated and usually latches on to whatever he is reaching for on his first attempt. He loves to lay on his activity mat which is a (very pink & girly) hand me down from his sister--he doesn't seem to mind ;) He also loves hanging in his Sit-Me-Up floor seat, which we didn't have for Isla but bought for him. It's pretty awesome & looks much more comfortable to me than the Bumbo floor seat-- which we also have from Isla. We used it for her occasionally, but she had some scrumptious baby thighs that were literally too large for the leg holes, so that we would have to pry the leg holes open to get her out, & really had to shove 'em in there when we would sit her in it! I certainly appreciate the roomier leg space in the sit-me-up seat (although so far his legs haven't reached the caliber of his sisters!).  
Loves: Being tickled (he is SO ticklish it provides hours of entertainment), playing with his sister, peekaboo is another fav, & he still loves his snuggles ;)-- as does Mama! Another favorite pastime of his is nonstop drooling--he loves piling up the laundry & soaking through tons of clothing (& bibs!) a day. His doctor referred to his drooling as a "faucet" today, and that was an observation she made from the short duration of his appointment!

Also at his 4 month check up, his doctor reminded us of all the cues to look for to indicate readiness for solids & gave us the "OK", so it looks like we will be tackling that adventure very soon. Adorable, inevitably messy pictures to follow in the near future!

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