Friday, October 2, 2015

Where does the time go?

Time flies & I am not a fan! I've been gently reminded of that fact multiple times a day lately when Isla continuously reminds me that she is "2 right now, and on her birthday she is going to be 3!" What?! This week I got her birthday invitations for her party that will be at the end of the month, but I'd really rather not send them out. If no one is invited & there's no party, she'll just stay 2 years old, right? ;) She is undeniably growing up into a sweet girl & it's true that I see her grow every. single. day. She has always been good at pretend play, but lately she's been coming up with these detailed scenarios (a little of which is  mumbling that I don't fully understand--haha), and it blows my mind how smart she is! She is really into her preschool & makes me call her Miss. Jennifer (her teacher's name) and she leads our doggies in "class". I feel like most kids play school or want to be a teacher at some point in their life, I know I definitely did! I think my teacher aspirations were mostly based on wanting to write on a chalkboard & since that has all but gone by the wayside (among other reasons), I don't think that's really my calling! ;) When I picked her up from school yesterday, she said bye to her teacher & went running over & gave her a huge hug, & a little boy hugged Isla on her way out the door as well. I've gotta say, my heart totally melted. She is growing up faster than I'd like, but sadly it cannot be stopped, so we decided to embrace it & have a special big girl adventure planned for her for this weekend ;) More on that later for sure. 

Needless to say, she isn't the only little of mine shamelessly breaking my heart with the growing!

Mr. Weston is growing like crazy as well. We are officially out of all 6 month clothing, and onto the 9 month range. He is getting really good at sitting on his own, & I think he will be there in no time! He loves to smile & laugh & thinks his sister is the funniest human on the planet. He loves to eat, although yesterday he thought it was more fun to play with the prunes than it was to eat them.
He will be 6 months in a few weeks, & I scheduled him an appointment for 6 month pictures with our favorite photographer Molly Wassenaar. She has done all the professional pictures I have had taken of both Isla & Weston, as well as a few family pictures. Her work is always so gorgeous & I can't wait for our photo session with her and to see how his 6 month pictures turn out! We did a little shopping yesterday while Isla was at preschool & got a few parts of his planned ensemble for his pictures. Clearly, I am pretty excited!

Looking forward to this weekend & spending time with my little family. The Patriots having a bye week this week frees up some time Sunday after the Raiders game (my hubby's team) for the fun afternoon we have planned for our little (or as she says, big!) girl, & of course some extra lovin' + play time with Westie J.

Happy Weekend!

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